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Meet Stereo Kicks!

If you don’t watch X Factor, you will probably have no idea who I am about to talk about. If you are a fan of boybands and haven’t heard of these boys, keep reading! You’ll fall in love with another one by the end of this (if not, let me know, I’ll convert you, trust me!!!)

Tom Mann, Jake Sims, Barclay Beales, Casey Johnson, Chris Leonard, James Graham, Reece Bibby and Charlie Jones all auditioned for the 10th season of UK X Factor as solo singers. They all made it through the first two auditions but failed to make it through bootcamp. But all was not lost for the 8 boys, they were given a life line. Like One Direction when they were on X Factor in 2010, the 8 boys were asked if they would like to go forward as a band. They were given just 24 hours to rehearse before they had to sing at bootcamp as a newly formed boyband. They sang Snow Patrol/Leona Lewis’ Run and their journey started! They blew the judges away with their performance, and were one of the only few acts who received a standing ovation from all four judges. With all their own individual vocals, the judges knew this band was going to be something special, especially Simon Cowell, with him saying ‘Honestly, one of the best groups we’ve had on the show’.


They made it through Louis Walsh’s Judges Houses and got to the live shows. Fans got to suggest a name for the group after their Judges’ Houses performance. Week after week, Stereo Kicks wowed the judges and the public with performances such as ‘Everybody‘, ‘Let It Be Medley/Hey Jude‘ and ‘Boys of the Summer‘ and began building up an incredible fanbase, which is continuing to grow. Stereo Kicks lasted until week 8, where their last song was the one that started their journey on the show.

They are hottest thing since Mr Simon Cowell created One Direction and I don’t think that Simon is going to let them slip through his hands even though many people have spent too much time saying 8 boys won’t work, there is too many of them etc. These same people aren’t actually listening to the amazing vocals these guys have. Plus there is already a successful X Factor boyband in the world with 5 members. The world needs something fresh in the boyband scene and I believe these 8 boys are it.

The X Factor Tour is currently on and after going to one of the Dublin dates, the majority of the people going to the tour are for Stereo Kicks. The crowds are going mental for the 8 boys and rightly so.

It’s now time to get to know the 8 boys :

Tom Mann ()


Casey Johnson ()


Jake Sims ()


James Graham ()


Chris Leonard ()


Barclay Beales ()


Reece Bibby (


Charlie Jones ()


Stereo Kicks recently done their first headline show at Showcase Live and done a cover of Coldplay’s Fix You. This cover is insanely good. Those words don’t even do it justice to be honest, when I first watched it, I cried unknownst to myself and only realised when I took off my headphones. ( Chris does get his words a little mixed up in the song but that’s why we love him okay?! 😛 )

They also appeared on Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit On The Side and performed a stellar performance of Taylor Swift’s Blank Space!


I am lucky enough to have met the boys (only 7 of them though, Casey snuck off before I could meet him 😦 ). I met them back in November when I went to Fountain Studios for my birthday.

Image belongs to me.

Jake and I. Image belongs to me.

Image belongs to me.

Chris and I. Chris got a little excited when I said I was Irish! Image belongs to me.

Image belongs to me.

Tom and I. I was so happy I got to meet him. Fave forever! Image belongs to me.

Image belongs to me.

Reece and I. Image belongs to me.

Image belongs to me.

James and I. Image belongs to me.

Image belongs to me.

Barclay and I. Image belongs to me.

Image belongs to me.

Charlie and I. Image belongs to me.

The world better start preparing for Stereo Kicks. Everyone is going crazy for them, girls, boys, and even mothers! (Yes that does include my mother, even though she is still struggling to get all their names right! 😛 ) I promised myself that I would never get attached to another boyband on X Factor after the heartbreak I went through when One Direction came 3rd (I had voted A LOT of times, you can forgive me for crying okay?!) but when I heard that Chris and Tom were in this band, and heard their audition at bootcamp, I was already too emotionally involved. I am glad I am supporting these boys. I am already so proud of them and I will travel the world if I had to see them.

Simon Cowell / Syco, sign these guys now because you’ll be making the BIGGEST mistake ever if you don’t.