Tag Archive | Rainbow Rowell

April Favourites 2015

It is very hard to believe it is May already. I honestly can’t keep up with how fast the year is flying by. In less than a month, I will no longer be on Co-Op with ILOVELIMERICK and I won’t be a Second Year student! 😮

I currently should be sleeping but I can’t sleep at the moment, I don’t want to say too much at the moment but my family received some bad/shocking news yesterday and I can’t get my head around it and now I can’t sleep. So instead of lying in bed looking at the ceiling, I said I’d be productive!

So even with April being a very busy month, (I know I promised to blog more but I just couldn’t find the time and when I did, I was just too exhausted!) I still had time to take note of what I was enjoying for the month, so here they are.


So the first song I have been loving this month (and maybe a bit too much, I am singing it ALL the time!) is Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood BUT it is not the original I love. It is a cover by Max Schneider and Alyson Stoner that I adore so much. Their vocals blended together are incredibly beautiful and I could listen to it on repeat all day (which I have!).

Another song I have been loving is my 8 Boys, Stereo Kicks and their Debut single Love Me So. Written by one of the lads, Tom Mann, it is not the usual upbeat pop music a boy band would release as their first single. But this song is a beautiful ballad, if you could call it that. Their vocals are shown off in this song and I think the boys are trying to prove a point, that they should be given a chance because they can sing and can sing very well. And they can write songs very well! Tom’s vocals at 2:32 kill me everytime! I am super proud of my 8 boys! (Especially Tom ❤ )


So with Laois Rose, I got to dress up quite a lot. So on the night Laois Rose Briefing, I wore a dress from Born Boutique (€69) and silver sandals from Korkys (I think they were €50, they are about 3 years old). I adore this dress. It’s such a girly dress, I felt like a princess in it and since I have lost weight, it was very flattering on. One of my favourite things about this dress is that it has pockets. IMG_1429


So I had to get photos taken with my sponsor for Laois Rose so we had a little photoshoot in the pub. I wore a new wine coloured Tulle skirt I got on Etsy, which was €34.71 and you can get it here with a black tank top from Pennys/Primark, black blazer from New Look, black heels from River Island and hat from Topshop. I am in love with Tulle skirts at the moment. IMG_1448

My last outfit is a casual one I wore to The Vamps’ Concert in April. The top and jeans were both from New Look. My black converse are from Schuh.IMG_1497


My favourite book for April is Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell. Having loved Fangirl, I was expecting great things from this book and it didn’t disappoint. Eleanor and Park is all about a high school romance, but not the typical type. Eleanor is the new girl in town, who has crazy red hair and the weird clothes, so she stands out, even though she never wanted to. Park is the smart but quiet Asian boy who hates the attention on himself. Eleanor and Park awkwardly sit together on the bus but never speak to each other, until Park notices Eleanor looking over his shoulder while he reads his comics. I don’t want to give too much away but this love story is extremely cute and I couldn’t put the book down once I started. The ending killed me though, I hated it! Summer Aurora from The Guardian agrees by saying: ‘The ending left me craving so much more of it. The last page left me confused and a complete wreck. Honestly, it hurt, and I was left hoping that there was an epilogue that had gotten secretly ripped out of my copy.’ If you love soppy, cute books, read this book.


So recently, I have been watching a lot more of Marcus Butler’s Vlogs and Main Channel videos. Marcus is from England and just like Alfie, vlogs every day and has a new main channel video every Friday. His fame has steadily rose since 2012 and currently, he has over 3 million subscribers on his main channel alone!!! (I have 2.. Even 100 subs would be the dream!) He is very attractive but sorry ladies, he has a girlfriend. He is dating Naomi Smart who is also a Youtuber/Blogger. Below are his recent Main Channel video and Vlog.



I am crazy about any beauty products that contains coconut. I love the smell and the consistency. It just always makes me feel and smell good. The Treacle Moon range is one of my favourite ranges. The body scrub and body butter are simply divine.IMG_1885
Make Up

Contouring is a big thing at the moment. Instead of spending a ridiculous amount of money on those expensive contour kits, I bought Boujour Paris’s Bronzer and Highlighter. Not only does it work like the expensive ones but it also smells so good. I wear this every day and it lasts a long time.

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Home Decor

(When did I get this fancy that I now blog about Home Decor? 😛 )

Anyway, there is nothing more relaxing that reading a book or even doing some work with a beautiful candle beside you. Lately, I have been loving a candle my Auntie Margaret gave me one day. The smell is Mulberry and Vanilla and it is gorgeous. IMG_1891

So even though I have been super healthy since February, near the end of April, I relaxed a bit with the diet. My Mum came to visit me in college one evening and brought me out to Finnegan’s Restaurant, Limerick.  I was so hungry, I even ordered dessert (I never order dessert!) I had these DELICIOUS pancakes. I don’t think I have ever eaten pancakes as nice (apart from my mum’s!) (Oh and Sarah’s!). The food in Finnegan’s is beautiful. I recommend everyone to go there if they are near or in Limerick.


Lastly, I was reunited with some of my favourites in April. Union J were supporting The Vamps on their tour and I got to meet them again, after two years. They haven’t changed a bit, they are just as sweet and nice as they were back then, if not more.

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See you in a month for my May Faves!

You Know You Love Me, XOXO,


Oh yeah, I am going to see Tyler Oakley tomorrow in Dublin! Super excited to see him. Also, I am going to attempt to film my first ever vlog. Wish me luck.

March Favourites 2015!

God 2015 is flying by! It’s already April, and it’s been almost 4 months since I hit 1000 views and now I am almost at 4000!!! I do promise to blog more and April is a very busy but exciting month so lots to blog about! So lets get started!


So this month, I decided to pick a book from the huge number of books my parents got me for Christmas. I decided to read Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. I chose to read this base the fact I am a Fangirl and recently (if you read my previously blog post) I had be feeling ashamed of being a fangirl! It took a while for me to get into this book, I will be honest. But once I did, I couldn’t put it down. I haven’t finished it yet (there is over 400 pages!!) but I am over halfway through it and I love it! It is basically a coming of age story and I probably should’ve read it before I went to college. Cath is a fangirl and writes fanfiction. Cath is a freshman in college who suffers from social anxiety and her outgoing identical twin sister Wren chose to live in another dorm. Cath rarely leaves her dorm room and eats endless amounts of protein bars. Cath has to put up with her roommate Reagan’s very friendly boyfriend, Levi, who begins to bring her out of her shell, and charm his way into her heart. It is a great read.


Like every other person in the world right now probably, I am LOVING OMI’s Cheerleader. Oh my god, it instantly makes me want to dance and I feel summery and just happy! One day in work, I searched the song on Youtube and found an One Hour Remix and I listed to it for the whole hour and didn’t get sick of it!!! Can OMI release more tunes like this asap please?!!!


Another tune that has me dancing around my room is All Time Low’s Kids In The Dark. I adore this song. I am also proud for All Time Low as I am actually hearing this song on the radio because I have never heard All Time Low on the radio!


I went to see Cinderella with my Auntie and my two cousins two weeks ago and I think I enjoyed it more than my two cousins! I loved it so much, that I went to see it a second time four days later with my friend Darina! It kept very close to the original version, which made it even better. It was just wonderful. You can learn a lot from the Cinderella movie, both the originally and new version. I am planning on writing a blog on that soon so look out for that!



I watched What If with Sarah and Laura recently. What If is basically a movie questioning if a guy and a girl can really just be friends without one of them catching feelings. It’s a bit like When Harry Met Sally to be honest. I loved it. It stars Daniel Radcliffe and Zoe Kazan, who are so painfully cute throughout the movie. The moive is about Wallace, who’s still hung up about his ex girlfriend cheating on him, and his love life and his view on relationships. So while everyone around him, including his roommate Allan seems to be finding the perfect partner, Wallace decides to put his love life on hold. But then he meets Chantry who lives with her longtime boyfriend Ben. Wallace and Chantry connect immediatley and the start of their friendship began. Throughout the whole movie, the chemistry between them is clear, leading them both to wonder, what if the love of your life is actually your best friend?!


There is only one thing in relation to fashion I am going to talk about and that is my Moschino dress. It’s the first piece of Moschino I have ever bought and I absolutely adore it. I have always admired Moschino clothes but never had the opportunity to buy anything. Until I was very stuck for a dress for a ball and I just fell in love with this dress. I know the picture below isn’t the best picture but I will be wearing it again soon and I will update the picture! 😉 The dress made me feel like such a princess and I felt very slim in it also. It is so comfy and I can not wait to get into it again! If I could, I would wear it everyday!IMG_1230

Make Up 

This eyeshadow trio has been a favourite of mine for over 4 or 5 years now. I recently fell in love with it all over again. It is a simple way to get the smokey eye look. I use this nearly all the time when I do my eye make up. And it’s also under €10!

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Eyeshadow Primer is one of my secrets to keeping my eyeshadow lasting all day and all night! This little gem from Rimmel is one of the best I have ever used!


Recently, I was put on Roccautane for my acne and it is working wonders. I am only on it four weeks but the improvement already has been incredible. Hope it continues to improve! Unfortunately, one of the side effects is that my face is very, very dry and it gets very irritating at times. My other moisturizers did work but it wouldn’t last long till I would have to reapply it. So I was told to us La Roche Posay Multi Compensating Soothing Moisturizer and oh my god, this is great stuff altogether.


As well as my face being dry, my lips are even drier. No other lip balm was helping and in fact vaseline was making it worse. La Roche Posay Lip Balm is the only lip balm that soothes the dryness. I do have to reapply it a few times but at least it stops the irritation.



Pointless Blog aka Alfie Deyes is my favourite Youtuber for this month. I think Alfie was the first ever Youtuber I started watched back in the day! Recently, I fell in love with him all over again. Because with life and work being crazy, I hadn’t much time to watch Youtube videos but I started catching up on Alfie’s videos and vlogs throughout March. I do prefer his vlogs over his videos sometimes but that’s just me! Below is his latest video and latest vlog.



So since my Dad had a heart attack and has been on a strict diet, I also have to be on that diet also. So instead of the usual big fry ups at the weekend that would be full of fat, we have substituted them for Turkey Sausages and Turkey Rashers. Oh my goodness, why haven’t we been eating these all our lives?! THEY ARE DIVINE! And have so much less fat than normal sausages and rashers! I talk about these so much that I am pretty sure everyone is eating them now! I even made them for the gals and they loved them!!! I am making myself hungry now thinking about how good they are!

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Since I have now discovered I am not allergic to all flowers (Lilies are the main problem!!) I am beginning to love flowers again. Which is good because our garden is always full of flowers! Every year since I was very young, we have had endless amounts of Daffodils around our house and this year was no different! Daffodils instantly make the place look brighter and more spring/summery and I love it! They are dying off now though. But my Dad has just finished his gardening tunnel and I have no doubt the place will be covered in every flower possible soon!!!


See you in a month for my April Faves!

You Know You Love Me, XOXO,