Tag Archive | hair inspiration

Going Grey & Olaplex Chat

So I took the plunge today and changed my hair colour… to GREY! Yes you read that right, grey!

I have been wanting to go grey for about a year now and I am absolute delighted that I have. I am so in love with it!

Now going grey has become fashionable and almost everyone wants it! Hairdressers are inundated with people wanting to become sliver haired goddesses! BUT it is not for everyone. If you are blonde and wanting to go grey – perfect! It will only take a couple of hours and you’re done! If you are darker and wanting to go grey – think about it. Do you really want to? You will have to go bleach blonde first and that itself is a process that could take more than one trip to the hairdresser. Have you got the money and time for that? You really have to want to commit to it and your hair would have to be in great condition to stick with all that colouring. I was even thinking of backing out of it but it was a much easier process for me. Be sensible in your decision. Talk to your hairdresser if you want advice. My hairdresser was only delighted to talk to me about it. (Shout out to Jean and Maria in The Cutting Edge in Mountrath, Co.Laois – Best hairdressers without a doubt!)

Olaplex – I am sure you have heard of this at some stage over the past year. Olaplex is a new treatment that everyone is raving about, including myself. I have had it twice now and I adore it. Olaplex helps repair damaged hair and maintain colour for longer. It also makes my hair feel and look so good. Do yourself and your hair a favour, if you can get your hands on it, GET IT! Even if you aren’t dying your hair, it is a great treatment to restore your hair back to top quality condition! I can’t wait to get some so I can use it at home.

Check out my new hair below in some pictures I took earlier! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to leave a comment and hopefully, I can help!









